I bring greetings to all Five Fold (Ephesians), including Pastors, Leaders, Ministers, Congregants, Spiritual Sons and Daughters, Partners, and Supporters of my ministry. As we begin the new year, I want to remind you of the promise that is provided to us in Scripture, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Php 4:13).
In November of 2022, the Lord revealed to me that this year, 2023, will be the year of “The Overcomer”. I am sharing this message with you to remind you of this promise and to extend to you the word of the Lord for this season, for those who are near and those who are afar off. This message may meet you at different places in your life, but the message remains the same: You will overcome.
The Spirit of Grace is being released and I am happy to say that testimonies have begun to come in concerning what the Lord is doing and I believe they will continue throughout the year. I encourage you to claim this promise now and to look forward to what the Lord has in store for you.
I wish for the Love of the Father, the Fire of the Spirit, the Miracles of Jesus, and the Glorious Kingdom to be multiplied unto you.